August 4, 2016


On-Site Emergencies

Emergencies, when they arise, take precedence over all regularly scheduled tasks.

All contract workers for CCBS MAINTENANCE LTD are trained to respond to emergencies such as fires, floods, break-ins, property damage, and vandalism, or any other unusual circumstances.

Appropriate safety measures are taken, and then all information is recorded immediately and the Supervisor is notified. All Supervisors then transfer the information to the Sales and Customer Service Manager, who then contacts the client immediately. All supervisors are equipped with cellular phones. Clients can call the Sales and Customer Service Manager directly; then can also use the deficiency logbooks that are kept at all contracts.

CCBS MAINTENANCE LTD employees are approachable and open to help clients at any time with urgent maintenance needs.

Worksite Safety

All maintenance employees are WHMIS trained. A WHMIS binder is kept near all chemicals.

Material Safety Data Sheets

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are kept in a binder near chemical supplies, and MSDS codes are always present.